Every day, we risk exceeding the recommended daily aluminum intake by 40 to 60 times. Just one spritz of deodorant contains 20 times the daily limit of aluminum, and a single heartburn pill can contain up to 600 times the recommended dose. Only 1% of this aluminum is excreted from the body.
The remaining 99% is absorbed and accumulates in tissues. Despite the blood-brain barrier, aluminum particles bind to the blood plasma protein, transferrin, and are transported to the brain, where they interfere with neural connections, contributing to conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
However, there’s no need to panic. The key to minimizing aluminum exposure is to avoid contact with salt and acidic substances, as an acidic pH greatly increases the absorption of aluminum into food. Neither temperature nor water have the same effect as an acidic environment. For this reason, it’s best to avoid baking with aluminum foil or pouring tea—or worse, juice—into an aluminum thermos.
Aluminium content of foods and diets